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Use of Alternative Medicine / the Internet

How many of your patients do you believe utilize some form of complementary or alternative medicine?

How often do you use the Internet to access medical information related to your practice?

While Miami meeting attendees estimate that less than half of their breast cancer patients utilize some form of complementary or alternative medicine, many surveys suggest that the actual number seeking this type of treatment is much higher. It has been pointed out that often physicians are not aware that patients are seeking these therapies.

Virtually all Miami meeting attendees utilize email, and almost half use the Internet regularly to access medical information to assist in patient care.

Burstein HJ et al. Use of alternative medicine by women with early-stage breast cancer. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1733-9. Abstract

Cassileth BR et al. Alternative medicine use worldwide: The International Union Against Cancer survey. Cancer 2001;91:1390-3. Abstract

Lee MM et al. Alternative therapies used by women with breast cancer in four ethnic populations. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000;92:42-7. Abstract

Meric F et al. Breast cancer on the world wide web: Cross-sectional survey of quality of information and popularity of websites. B M J 2002;324(7337):577-81. Abstract

Richardson MA et al. Complementary/alternative medicine use in a comprehensive cancer center and the implications for oncology. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:2505-14. Abstract

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