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Daniel F Hayes, MD
Medical Director, Breast Evaluation Center
Clinical Director, Breast Oncology Program
University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer

Edited comments by Dr Hayes

Understanding the complexities of the estrogen receptor

What we have learned about the biology of the estrogen receptor in the last five years is mind-boggling — how it works and interacts with the other growth factor pathways, like EGFR and HER2, and how those interactions manifest clinically as well as their complexity. Every time I think I understand this system, results from another clinical trial tell me, “Nope, that’s not the answer. It’s completely different.” The staggering complexity of this disease makes it so hard to treat.

We have learned so much in terms of endocrine therapy. We now know about the complexity of estrogen receptor ligands (i.e., estrogen, tamoxifen, raloxifene), which change the conformation of the receptor so that it is prone to phosphorylation. This phosphorylation, which occurs through the peptide growth factor signaling pathway, dimerizes estrogen receptors that then bind to the promoter of estrogen-sensitive genes and signal for coactivators and corepressors.

We have always known about estrogen receptor alpha, and now we have identified estrogen receptor beta. We recognize that the estrogen receptor actually can bind to a different part of the DNA that does not have an estrogen response element, called AP-1. We are beginning to understand why tamoxifen has this interesting duality — antiestrogenic in some cells and estrogenic in others. Understanding the biology of the estrogen receptor may help to explain why five years of tamoxifen might be optimal, why serial hormone therapies work and why hormone withdrawal elicits a response.

Mechanism of action of the SERMs

Like estrogen, all of the SERMs (tamoxifen, toremifene, raloxifene, droloxifene, idoxifene) bind to the estrogen receptor. They all induce phosphorylation, dimerization and binding to the estrogen response element (ERE) in the promoter of the specific genes. However, they then signal for different coactivators and corepressors in the cell.

The response of a specific cell to a specific ligand depends on a number of things, such as the amount of estrogen receptor alpha and beta and the types of coactivators and corepressors present. The response may be even related to the genes that are “turned on” in one cell compared to another. The cells are primed to see these ligands as either estrogens or antiestrogens. Therefore, even though the ligands fundamentally do the same things — induce phosphorylation, dimerization, binding to ERE — they can have very different effects.

Can we design new SERMs that are antiestrogens in one place and estrogens in another? I personally do not believe so, because this is just too complex to fully understand. Then again, 15 years ago I said that I would not spend any more time on endocrine therapy, because I could not believe you could squeeze any more effect out of the estrogen receptor. I thought we had gotten all we could with tamoxifen — I was absolutely wrong. So, I am willing to have smart people like Craig Jordan prove me wrong about the SERMs.

Mechanism of action for fulvestrant

Another endocrine therapy is fulvestrant. Unlike the SERMs, which induce some biological response, fulvestrant binds to the estrogen receptor and completely shuts the system down. It prevents estrogen receptor phosphorylation, dimerization and binding to the ERE. Fulvestrant, a rationally designed drug, is truly an antiestrogen. It looks like it will be a step forward. Fulvestrant may be as active as the aromatase inhibitors, another class of rationally designed drugs.

Sequencing of endocrine therapy

We now have several options for endocrine therapy. The issues are how, when and in what order we should use these agents. As they are making it to the clinic, I get phone calls from my colleagues asking, “What order do I use these in?” I do not think we know the answer. The challenge for the cooperative groups and pharmaceutical companies is to conduct trials evaluating sequential and combination endocrine therapies.

I believe we will find that different subgroups of patients will respond differently to individual endocrine therapies. Just as we use ER status to decide who will receive endocrine therapy, in the future we may use the progesterone receptor, HER1, 2, 3 and 4, or some of the coactivators and corepressors. These markers may indicate which patients should receive tamoxifen, an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant. We are a long way away, but I think we will see it happen.

Hormone dependence versus hormone sensitivity

Why multiple endocrine therapies work sequentially is one of the conundrums of hormonal therapy in breast cancer. In the last five years, the concept of hormone dependence, rather than hormone sensitivity, has jelled in my mind. A cancer may start out as either hormone-dependent or hormone-independent. The cancer may remain hormone-dependent for many years, but become resistant to specific endocrine therapies that have different mechanisms of action.

For example, a patient’s hormone-dependent cancer may initially be sensitive to tamoxifen. The cancer may later become resistant to tamoxifen, but may respond to another endocrine therapy like an aromatase inhibitor. So, the tamoxifenresistant cancer is still hormone-dependent, and the next endocrine therapy will work. When hormone-dependent cancers become resistant, they are resistant to specific drugs.

Mechanisms of resistance to the SERMs

When a hormone-dependent cancer becomes resistant to a SERM, we are not sure of the exact resistance mechanism. One possibility is that cells begin to upregulate HER2, an epidermal growth factor receptor, resulting in constitutive phosphorylation, dimerization and activation of the estrogen receptor. Then, the ligand has no effect, because the estrogen receptor is already activated. Another resistance mechanism might be the mutation of the estrogen receptor so it becomes hypersensitive to individual ligands. If that is the case, ligand-based therapy (i.e., the SERMs) might suddenly start acting like estrogen; whereas, ligand-annihilating or ligand-depleting therapy (i.e., oophorectomy, LHRH agonists and the aromatase inhibitors) might still be effective. Even with the upregulated HER2 hypothesis, it is possible that phosphorylation makes the receptor hypersensitive to the ligand. In that case again, ligand depletion might be ideal.

Fulvestrant, on the other hand, is a ligand that binds to the estrogen receptor and prevents downstream signaling. There is a constant turnover in the estrogen receptor, but the receptor is completely inactivated by fulvestrant because it cannot dimerize.

Mechanisms of resistance to the aromatase inhibitors

Since the aromatase inhibitors block the peripheral conversion of DHEA and testosterone to estradiol, then, in theory, resistance should not develop because they are somatic enzymes in the fat that are not prone to the genetic instability of cancer cells. But, we know that resistance does develop.

One possible explanation is that the cancer cells themselves mutate and produce an abnormal aromatase that converts DHEA and testosterone into estradiol. This is still speculative.

Another potential mechanism of resistance is that the cells ultimately become hormone-independent. This is analogous to a car that runs on gasoline and is retrofit with a solar panel. If the estrogen receptor is the gasoline tank and estrogen is the gasoline, the car can still run without gasoline (estrogen) through solar power. Likewise, another factor may drive the cancer cells that then become hormone-independent.

A third possible explanation is that the still hormone-dependent cells become hypersensitive to small amounts of estrogen. If this were the case, fulvestrant might work when the cells became resistant to the aromatase inhibitors. Although not yet published, Kent Osborne has been discussing the results from the trials comparing fulvestrant to anastrozole.

In the US trial, the duration of response was longer with fulvestrant than anastrozole. His explanation for this difference in the duration of response is that anastrozole may reduce estrogen levels by 99%, and the estrogen receptors then become hypersensitive to that one percent of estrogen. Fulvestrant simply does not let the estrogen get to the estrogen receptor.

There are a variety of possible mechanisms for the resistance to the aromatase inhibitors, and there may be others that we are not aware of yet. It is important to understand these mechanisms, because they may dictate how we use these drugs in the next five years.

Evolution of estrogen independence in breast cancer

Are all breast cancers initially estrogen receptor-positive with estrogen receptornegative cancers evolving from those? Or, are there fundamentally two kinds of breast cancers — estrogen-dependent and estrogen-independent?

I believe there are fundamentally two types of cells that become malignant. Studies, by Craig Allred and others, tell us that not every epithelial cell in the normal breast is hormone-dependent. We do not know which stem cell is responsible for the development of any epithelial cancer or breast cancer, but another area of active research is trying to identify the epithelial stem cell that becomes cancer.

We will probably find that even before we identify a cancer, there are cells dedicated to becoming cancer that are either estrogen-independent or -dependent. Ultimately, those patients with estrogen-dependent cancer, whom we do not cure, develop estrogen-independent cancer. But that is probably a late event. The estrogen receptor as an oncogene

Clearly, breast cancer is related to estrogen and the female endocrine system, but we do not understand it entirely. People have called the estrogen receptor an oncogene. Are there fundamental defects in the estrogen receptor that lead to the oncogenic process? In contrast to HER2, we have not found the classic oncogenic steps such as amplifications or activating mutations. To my knowledge, you cannot transfect normal cells with multiple copies of estrogen receptor and make them cancerous.

It is probably a secondary phenomenon with other things in the cell producing genomic instability. In the right milieu, changes in the expression of coactivators result from some upstream change. Those, then, result in downstream effects that, in and of themselves, are not oncogenic, but set the cell up to be more responsive to external stimuli, like estrogen.

Mechanism of action for high-dose estrogen

We are beginning to understand the mechanism of action for high-dose estrogen. It has always been counterintuitive that the treatment of choice for breast cancer, prior to tamoxifen and chemotherapy, was pharmacologic doses of estrogenic-like therapies, such as DES.

Rob Nicholson’s data demonstrate a biphasic response to pharmacologic doses of estrogen in MCF-7 cells. Without estrogen, these cells do not grow because they are hormone-dependent. With modest doses of estrogen, they grow quite nicely. At high doses of estrogen, they quit growing again. This is consistent with the clinical observation.

If those cells are preconditioned with different concentrations of estrogen, there is a similar biphasic response that is shifted to the right or left in regards to the estrogen concentration. The cell may have different coactivators and corepressors under one estrogenic condition. When the hormonal milieu is changed, the cells reset their coactivators.

In terms of clinical practice, we may learn that patients on hormone replacement therapy might have a different hormonal milieu when they are diagnosed with breast cancer. We might want to treat those patients differently. This concept is not ready for prime time in 2002, but it may be in 2010. In the meantime, we are beginning to understand the molecular basis of hormone dependence, treatment and resistance.

Adjuvant aromatase inhibitors

All of us are very enthusiastic about the potential for the aromatase inhibitors. However, I think we need to be very cautious about overinterpreting the ATAC trial data and implementing the aromatase inhibitors in the adjuvant setting.

Why be enthusiastic? Because of preclinical data and data in the metastatic setting, we believe the aromatase inhibitors are at least as effective and probably more effective than tamoxifen. The ATAC trial data fit our bias.

Why be cautious? The downside, I think, are the potential complications associated with these drugs. The obvious one is osteoporosis.

The ATAC trial is not the only study comparing an aromatase inhibitor to tamoxifen. There are at least two other trials that are similar in design. There are also two other trials in which women receiving five years of tamoxifen are then randomized to an aromatase inhibitor or placebo. Before we routinely offer all postmenopausal patients an adjuvant aromatase inhibitor, we need to see those data as well as more mature ATAC trial data. On the other hand, I am already using adjuvant aromatase inhibitors for the occasional patient with a contraindication to tamoxifen — a history of deep venous thrombosis, stroke/TIA or a tamoxifen allergy.

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