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NSABP MEETING AGENDA Targeted Adjuvant Systemic
Therapy of Breast Cancer
Current and Future Role
of Trastuzumab*
Dr Wolmark


Dr Love

Education objectives, clinical cases for discussion and current patterns of care in the community

Dr Romond

Combined analysis of NSABP-B-31 and NCCTG-N9831 — Doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel with or without trastuzumab as adjuvant therapy for patients with HER2-positive operable breast cancer.

Dr Slamon

BCIRG 006 — A randomized Phase III trial comparing ACT versus ACTH versus TCH in HER2-positive, node-positive or high-risk, node-negative breast cancer

Dr Leyland-Jones

HERA trial — A randomized comparison of one year versus two years versus no trastuzumab in women with HER2-positive breast cancer who have completed adjuvant chemotherapy

Dr Kaufman

NCCTG-N9831 — Sequential versus concurrent trastuzumab and chemotherapy

Dr Geyer

NSABP-B-31 cardiac toxicity data

Neil Love, MD
Norman Wolmark, MD

Charles E Geyer Jr, MD
Brian Leyland-Jones, MD, PhD
Edward H Romond, MD
Dennis J Slamon, MD, PhD
Peter A Kaufman, MD




Editor’s Note:
Homecoming surprises
NSABP Education Symposium Agenda
Edited Excerpts from the Panel Discussion
- Select publications
Dennis J Slamon, MD, PhD
- Select publications
Norman Wolmark, MD
- Select publications
Brian Leyland-Jones, MD, PhD
- Select publications
Faculty Disclosures
CME Information
Editor's Office