Neil Love, MD
Editor, Breast Cancer Update
Research To Practice
Miami, Florida
Clifford Hudis, MD
Chief, Breast Cancer Medicine Service
Solid Tumor Division, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York

Harold J Burstein, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Breast Oncology Center,
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, Massachusetts

Rowan T Chlebowski, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
UCLA School of Medicine
Chief, Medical Oncology
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Torrance, California
Aman U Buzdar, MD
Professor of Medicine
Deputy Chairman,
Department of
Breast Medical Oncology
The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
Nancy E Davidson, MD
Professor of Oncology
Breast Cancer Research
Chair in Oncology
Director of the Breast
Cancer Research Program
The Sidney Kimmel
Comprehensive Cancer Center
at Johns Hopkins
Baltimore, Maryland
Robert W Carlson, MD
Professor of Medicine
Division of Oncology and Stanford Medical Informatics
Stanford University
Medical Center
Stanford, California

John Mackey, MD
Medical Oncologist,
Cross Cancer Institute
Associate Professor of Oncology,
University of Alberta
Chair, Northern Alberta Breast Cancer Program Director, Cancer International Research Group
Edmonton, Canada

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