7:30 PM Dr Love:
Metting overview
Patterns of care

7:40 PM Debate 1: Dr Chlebowski
Agree, disagree or in between?
Women with ER-negative early breast cancer should be informed that their risk of recurrence may be reduced by lowering their intake of dietary fat.

8:00 PM Debate 2: Dr Hudis
Agree, disagree or in between?
Dose-dense AC paclitaxel and TAC are currently the two preferable adjuvant chemotherapy regimens in patients with higher-risk HER2-negative tumors, including those with ER-positive disease.

8:20 PM Debate 3: Dr Carlson
Agree, disagree or in between?
Initial therapy with an aromatase inhibitor is generally a preferable adjuvant endocrine treatment option for postmenopausal patients, including those with tumors that are ER/PR-positive.

8:40 PM Debate 4: Dr Buzdar
Agree, disagree or in between?
The three available aromatase inhibitors have essentially the same efficacy, toxicity and safety profiles and can be used interchangeably in the adjuvant setting.

9:00 PM Debate 5: Dr Burstein
Agree, disagree or in between?
Docetaxel/carboplatin and nondose-dense AC paclitaxel, AC docetaxel, and docetaxel/carboplatinum are acceptable chemotherapy regimens to combine with trastuzumab in the adjuvant setting.

9:20 PM Debate 6: Dr Mackey
Agree, disagree or in between?
Preventative growth factor support should be administered in any adjuvant situation in which chemotherapy has greater than a 20 percent risk of febrile neutropenia, including with the use of TAC and AC docetaxel.

9:40 PM Debate 7: Dr Davidson
Agree, disagree or in between?
Nonprotocol use of ovarian ablation/suppression alone or with tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor is a reasonable option to present to younger patients who do not cease menses with chemotherapy.

10:00 PM Close