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2001 Miami Breast Cancer Conference

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Mechanism of action of Faslodex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Receptor downregulation and Faslodex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Faslodex effects in the laboratory

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Randomized trials comparing Faslodex to Arimidex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Tolerability of Faslodex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Other trials of Faslodex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Future Clinical role of Faslodex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Intramuscular injection of Faslodex

C. Kent Osborne, MD - Clinical trials of adjuvant Faslodex

Kathleen Pritchard, MD - Mechanism of action of Faslodex

Kathleen Pritchard, MD - Faslodex intramuscular injection

Kathleen Pritchard, MD - Faslodex and hot flashes

Kathleen Pritchard, MD - Faslodex and bone metabolism

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