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Select publications

Allred D et al. Estrogen receptor expression as a predictive marker of the effectiveness of tamoxifen in the treatment of DCIS: Findings from NSABP Protocol B-24. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2002; Abstract 30.

Baum M, O'Shaughnessy JA. Management of premenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer: is there a role for ovarian suppression? Clin Breast Cancer 2002;3(4):260-7. Abstract

Cuzick J. Aromatase inhibitors in prevention--data from the ATAC (arimidex, tamoxifen alone or in combination) trial and the design of IBIS-II (the second International Breast Cancer Intervention Study). Recent Results CancerRes 2003;163:96-103. Abstract

De Morgan S et al. "Well, have I got cancer or haven't I?" The psycho-social issues for women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ. Health Expect 2002;5(4):310-8. Abstract

Fisher B et al. Tamoxifen, radiation therapy, or both for prevention of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence after lumpectomy in women with invasive breast cancers of one centimeter or less. J Clin Oncol 2002;20(20):4141-9. Abstract

Fox KR et al. Preventing chemotherapy-related amenorrhea using leuprolide during adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer. Proc ASCO 2003; Abstract 50.

Kotwall C et al. Local and national trends over a decade in the surgical treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ. Am J Surg 2003;186(6):723-8. Abstract

Mokbel K. Towards optimal management of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Eur J Surg Oncol Abstract 2003;29(2):191-7. Abstract

Minton SE, Munster PN. Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea and fertility in women undergoing adjuvant treatment for breast cancer. Cancer Control 2002;9(6):466-72. Abstract

Oktay K, Sonmezer M. Ovarian tissue banking for cancer patients: fertility preservation, not just ovarian cryopreservation. Hum Reprod 2004;19(3):477-80. Abstract

Vicini FA, Recht A. Age at diagnosis and outcome for women with ductal carcinoma-in-situ of the breast: a critical review of the literature. J Clin Oncol 2002;20(11):2736-44. Abstract

Vogel VG et al. National surgical adjuvant breast and bowel project update: prevention trials and endocrine therapy of ductal carcinoma in situ. Clin CancerRes 2003;9(1 Pt 2):495S-501S. Abstract 35

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Editor's Note

Case 1: A 62-year-old woman with ER/PR-positive, HER2-negative, nodenegative multicentric breast cancer (from the practice of Thomas Cartwright, MD)

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Case 2: A 54-year-old woman seven years after node-positive (6/18),ER-positive, PR-negative infiltrating ductal carcinoma with osteoporosis and postchemotherapy pancytopenia (from the practice of AllanFreedman, MD)
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Case 3: A 79-year-old woman with ER-positive, PR-negative, HER2-negative metastatic lobular breast cancer and malignant ascites (from the practice of Steven Weiss, MD)
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Case 4: A 79-year-old woman presenting with a palpable five-centimeter nodepositive (7/10), ER/PR-positive lobular carcinoma (from the practice of Howard Abel, MD)
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Case 5: A 35-year-old woman with a strong family history of breast cancer with comedo DCIS followed by an infiltrating ductal carcinoma three years later (from the practice of Stephen Grabelsky, MD)
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Case 6: A 39-year-old woman presenting with locally advanced breast cancer and diffuse bony metastases (from the practice of Rajesh Bajaj, MD)
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Case 7: A 70-year-old woman with ER-positive, HER2-negative metastatic lobular carcinoma in the bone, liver and soft tissue of the orbit (from the practice of Richard Levine, MD)
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