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Select publications: Pregnancy and breast cancer

Ajarim D et al. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer: Case-controlled study. Proc ASCO 2000;Abstract 518.

Avisar E et al. Tumor biology of pregnancy-associated breast cancer. Proc ASCO 2000;Abstract 560.

Crivellari D et al. Breast cancer and pregnancy. Tumori 2002;88(3):187-92. Abstract.

Dohollou N et al. What about breast cancer during pregnancy? Experience of the Institute Gustave Roussy (IGR) from 1954 to 1995. Proc ASCO 1997.

Falkenberry SS. Breast cancer in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 2002;29(1):225-32. Abstract.

Gelber S et al. International Breast Cancer Study Group: Effect of pregnancy on overall survival after the diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 2001;19(6):1671-5. Abstract.

Gemignani ML, Petrek JA. Pregnancy after breast cancer. Cancer Control 1999;6(3):272-76. Abstract.

Germann N et al. Anthracyclines during pregnancy: Factors influencing fetal outcome. Proc ASCO 2003;Abstract 3037.

Gottlieb S. Pregnancy does not increase mortality from breast cancer. BMJ 1999;318:1577. Full Text

Gwyn K, Theriault R. Breast cancer during pregnancy. Oncology (Huntingt) 2001;15(1):39-46. Abstract.

Gwyn K et al. Treatment of breast cancer (BrCa) during pregnancy (Pg) using a standard protocol: Update of the MD Anderson experience. Proc ASCO 2001;Abstract 1821.

Hasan C et al. Cytotoxic therapy during pregnancy — A literature search for a prospective national study. Proc ASCO 1999. Abstract.

Ives A et al. A growing dilemma — breast cancer and pregnancy. Aust Fam Physician 2002;31(10):929-32. Abstract.

Keleher AJ et al. Multidisciplinary management of breast cancer concurrent with pregnancy. J Am Coll Surg 2002;194(1):54-64. Abstract.

Lozada JA et al. Effects of pregnancy following treatment for breast cancer on survival and risk of recurrence. Proc ASCO 2001;Abstract 145.

Meirow D. Reproduction post-chemotherapy in young cancer patients. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2000;169 (1-2):123-31. Abstract.

Samuel J et al. Incidence of malignant and/or pre-malignant lesions seen with pregnancy. Proc ASCO 2003;Abstract 2190.

Velentgas P et al. Pregnancy after breast carcinoma: Outcomes and influence on mortality. Cancer 1999;85(11):2424-32. Abstract.

Ward RM, Bristow RE. Cancer and pregnancy: Recent developments. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2002;14(6):613-7. Abstract.

Woo JC et al. Breast cancer in pregnancy: A literature review. Arch Surg 2003;138(1):91-8. Abstract.

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CASE 1: Disease recurrence and brachial plexopathy during the third trimester of pregnancy
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CASE 3: Pulmonary metastases and mild shortness of breath
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CASE 4: HER2-positive metastases to the lung and residual local breast cancer after lumpectomy
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CASE 5: Liver metastases and mild hepatic encephalopathy
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CASE 6: Ascites and pleural effusion ten years after primary breast cancer
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