7:30 PM Dr Love:
Metting overview
Patterns of care

7:40 PM Dr Tripathy
Mechanisims of action of targeted molecular antitumor agents: Implications for clinical practice and future trial design.

8:00 PM Debate 1: Dr Miller
Agree, disagree or in between?
For most patients being treated with first-line chemotherapy for metastatic disease, the addition of bevacizumab should now be standard of care.

8:20 PM Debate 2: Dr Burstein
Agree, disagree or in between?
In addition to paclitaxel, other agents/regimens that should currently be considered in combination with bevacizumab are vinorelbine, capecitabine, and low-dose, metronomic cyclophosphamide and methotrexate.

8:40 PM Debate 3: Dr Pegram
Agree, disagree or in between?
For patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, TCH is a reasonable option when there is concern about increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

9:00 PM Debate 4: Dr Perez
Agree, disagree or in between?
The option of trastuzumab alone or with chemotherapy should be discussed with all women with HER2-positive tumors, including patients with nodenegative lesions. The optimal approach to the use of adjuvant trastuzumab in healthy patients with node-positive disease is AC followed by the combination of trastuzumab and a taxane followed by trastuzumab for a total duration of one year.

9:20 PM Debate 5: Dr Leyland-Jones
Agree, disagree or in between?
Patients with a prior history of receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for HER2-positive breast cancer who have a residual current risk of relapse of 20 percent or more, regardless of how long it has been since first diagnosis, should be offered a year of trastuzumab monotherapy.

10:00 PM Close