to response with neoadjuvant endocrine therapy
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did some work looking at that with tamoxifen and what we found is
that if you didnt get a response by three months, if you dont
have a change in tumor volume measurable mammographically
and on ultrasound, and we believe from our studies that if you dont
have a 25% reduction in tumor volume by three months then
the chance of getting a reduction in tumor volume is not very good.
And the concern is that an equivalent number of patients from three
to six months get a response to the number of patients whose disease
starts to grow. So, yes you do get some response after three months,
but you also start to get similar tumors growing out of control.
So thats why we have tended to use a three month period, and
we get significant reductions in tumor volume during that period
of time. It allows us, in the large majority of patients, to get
sufficient reduction to avoid mastectomy. And in the studies weve
done on local control, rates are really excellent.
markers as predictors of clinical outcome from systemic therapy
for primary operable breast cancer. Chang J. Powles TJ. Allred DC. Ashley SE. Clark GM. Makris A.
Assersohn L. Gregory RK. Osborne CK. Dowsett M. Journal of Clinical
Oncology. 17(10):3058-63, 1999.