Faculty panel: Drs Ravdin, Buzdar, Gradishar and Hayes
8:30 AM Dr Neil Love: Introduction and overview
- Research to practice issues in breast cancer
- Current patterns of care in the community
8:40 AM Issue 1: (discussant: Dr Ravdin)
Agree, disagree or in between?
Clinicians should routinely estimate specific absolute benefits of chemotherapy in patients with receptorpositive, node-negative tumors and factor in results of the Oncotype DX™ assay in these assessments. |
8:55 AM Discussion of related community cases |
9:15 AM Issue 2: (discussant: Dr Buzdar)
Agree, disagree or in between?
The optimal long-term endocrine therapy of postmenopausal patients is an aromatase inhibitor for at least five years. The available aromatase inhibitors have significantly different safety profiles, and these should be considered when selecting therapy in the adjuvant and postadjuvant settings. |
9:30 AM Discussion of related community cases |
9:50 AM Break |
10:05 AM Issue 3: (discussant: Dr Gradishar)
Agree, disagree or in between?
The following recently evaluated options for chemotherapy in metastatic disease should now be routinely included in clinical care: paclitaxel with capecitabine or gemcitabine, ABI-007, VINOCAP, and trastuzumab combined with capecitabine. |
10:20 AM Discussion of related community cases |
10:40AM Issue 4: (discussant: Dr Osbourne)
Agree, disagree or in between?
- Fulvestrant or an aromatase inhibitor are equivalent treatment options for postmenopausal women with metastatic disease and should generally be used before tamoxifen.
- Adding biologic agents to endocrine agents is likely to be proven in clinical trials to add to the treatment efficacy of hormonal therapy.
10:55 AM Discussion of related community cases |
11:15AM Issue 5: (discussants: faculty panel)
Agree, disagree or in between?
Currently, nonprotocol neoadjuvant and adjuvant systemic therapy for patients with HER2-positive tumors should not include trastuzumab.
- Discussion of related community cases
Drs Buzdar, Chlebowski, Gradishar, Hayes, Miller, Osborne, Ravdin and Vogel
• Discussion of computer-generated questions and cases from the morning session
Faculty panel: Drs Chlebowski, Osborne, Miller and Vogel |
12:30 PM Issue 6: (discussant: Dr Chlebowski)
Agree, disagree or in between?
Postmenopausal patients on tamoxifen should be switched to an aromatase inhibitor. |
12:45 PM Discussion of related community cases |
1:05 PM Issue 7: (discussants: faculty panel)
Agree, disagree or in between?
The adjuvant treatment strategy of using ovarian ablation or suppression plus an aromatase inhibitor should currently not be utilized outside a clinical trial setting.
- Discussion of related community cases
1:25 PM Issues 8 and 9: (discussant: Dr Hayes)
Agree, disagree or in between?
Serum assays for tumor markers and circulating tumor cells should be utilized to guide therapy in metastatic disease.
1:40 PM Discussion of related community cases |
2:00 PM Break |
2:15 PM Issue 10: (discussant: Dr Miller)
Agree, disagree or in between?
For most patients with metastatic disease, sequential single-agent chemotherapy is more appropriate than the use of combination chemotherapy. |
2:30 PM Discussion of related community cases |
2:50 PM Issues 11 and 12: (discussant: Dr Vogel)
Agree, disagree or in between?
Asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients with HER2-positive metastatic disease are best managed initially with trastuzumab monotherapy. For most patients, trastuzumab should be continued on disease progression, adding in a new chemotherapeutic agent or regimen. |
3:05 PM Discussion of related community cases |
3:30 PM Close |