Bresat Cancer Update
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Home: Meeting Highlights: Clinical Trials

Summary of Trials Listed on the NCI's PDQ Data Base (193 trials as of 2-5-01) For more information visit:


Key Points from Selected Trials

1. Diagnostic Modalities

2. Prevention, DCIS

3. Sentinel Node Biopsy, Axillary Dissection

4. Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy

5. Radiation Therapy

6. Other Local Therapy

7. Adjuvant Systemic Therapy

8. Post-tamoxifen Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy

9. Other Endocrine Interventions

10. Metastatic Disease

11. Psychosocial Issues, Quality of Life, Lifestyle

12. Appendix: Other Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

NOTE: Protocol descriptions have been edited to focus on key points of interest to practicing clinicians. For complete protocol details, consult the PDQ or lead investigators.
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