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2001 Miami Breast Cancer Conference
Diel IJ et al. Bisphosphonates and the prevention of metastasis: first evidences from preclinical and clinical studies. Cancer 2000;88(12 Suppl):3080-8.

Diel IJ, Mundy GR. Bisphosphonates in the adjuvant treatment of cancer: experimental evidence and first clinical results. International Bone and Cancer Study Group (IBCG). Br J Cancer 2000;82(8):1381-6.

Diel IJ. Antitumour effects of bisphosphonates: first evidence and possible mechanisms. Drugs 2000 ;59(3):391-9.

Diel IJ et al. Reduction in new metastases in breast cancer with adjuvant clodronate treatment. N Engl J Med 1998;339(6):357-63.

Powles TJ et al. Adjuvant clodronate reduces the incidence of bone metastases in patients with primary operable breast cancer. Proc ASCO 1998;Abstract 468.

Saarto T et al. Adjuvant Clodronate Treatment Does Not Reduce the Frequency of Skeletal Metastases in Node-Positive Breast Cancer Patients: 5-Year Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Oncol;2001:10-17.

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