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Rowan T Chlebowski, MD, PhD
Dr Chlebowski is a Professor of Medicine at UCLA
School of Medicine and Chief of Medical Oncology at
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California.
Click here to download the entire interview |
MP3 |
Track 1 |
Introduction by Neil Love, MD |
Track 2 |
Women’s Intervention Nutrition
Study: Dietary fat reduction in
postmenopausal women with
primary breast cancer |
Track 3 |
Impact of dietary fat reduction on
recurrence according to
ER phenotype |
Track 4 |
Results from Women’s Health
Initiative trials of postmenopausal
hormone therapy |
Track 5 |
Tolerability of aromatase inhibitors
versus tamoxifen |
Track 6 |
Increased incidence of cardiac
toxicity and stroke associated with
letrozole in BIG 1-98 |

Track 7 |
Mathematical modeling to
determine optimal adjuvant
hormonal therapy |
Track 8 |
Role of bisphosphonates to offset
aromatase inhibitor-induced
bone loss |
Track 9 |
Selection of up-front
hormonal therapy |
Track 10 |
Clinical use of ovarian ablation
with an aromatase inhibitor |
Track 11 |
Time course for switching
from tamoxifen to an
aromatase inhibitor |
Track 12 |
Management of postmenopausal
women after five years of
adjuvant tamoxifen |
Track 13 |
Rationale for up-front use of
aromatase inhibitors |
Track 14 |
Postmenopausal hormone
therapy for breast
cancer survivors |
Track 15 |
Potential role of tibolone to
alleviate menopausal symptoms
in patients with breast cancer |
Track 16 |
Impact of race and ethnicity on
breast cancer histology subtype |
Eric P Winer, MD
Dr Winer is the Director of the Breast Oncology
Center at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and
Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical
School in Boston, Massachusetts.
Click here to download the entire interview |
Track 1 |
Introduction by Dr Love |
Track 2 |
ECOG-E2100: Paclitaxel with or
without bevacizumab as
first-line therapy for metastatic
breast cancer |
Track 3 |
Clinical use of bevacizumab in
combination with chemotherapy |
Track 4 |
Potential benefits of nanoparticle
albumin-bound (nab) paclitaxel |
Track 5 |
Eligibility criteria for ECOG-E2100 |
Track 6 |
Bevacizumab in the second- and
third-line settings |
Track 7 |
Proposed ECOG pilot trial
examining the role of
adjuvant bevacizumab |
Track 8 |
Combined analysis of
trials of adjuvant trastuzumab |
Track 9 |
Cardiac toxicity induced by
adjuvant trastuzumab |
Track 10 |
Concurrent versus sequential
administration of adjuvant
trastuzumab and chemotherapy |
Track 11 |
Adjuvant trastuzumab for patients
with node-negative disease |
Track 12 |
Combining hormonal therapy with
trastuzumab and chemotherapy
in the adjuvant setting |
Track 13 |
Time course for initiating therapy
with adjuvant trastuzumab |
Track 14 |
Need to facilitate completion of
clinical trials more rapidly |
Track 15 |
Future directions in adjuvant
trials for patients with HER2-
positive disease |
Track 16 |
Management of patients who
relapse on adjuvant trastuzumab |
Track 17 |
Quality control with HER2 testing in community practice |
Harry D Bear, MD, PhD
Dr Bear is Chairman of the Division of Surgical Oncology,
Professor of Surgery and Microbiology and Immunology
and Walter Lawrence Jr Distinguished Professor in
Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University School of
Medicine’s Massey Cancer Center in Richmond, Virginia.
Click here to download the entire interview |
Track 1 |
Introduction by Dr Love |
Track 2 |
NSABP-B-27: Neoadjuvant AC
versus neoadjuvant AC followed
by docetaxel versus neoadjuvant
AC followed by adjuvant docetaxel |
Track 3 |
AC followed by docetaxel as
adjuvant therapy |
Track 4 |
NSABP-B-30: AC followed
by docetaxel versus TAC
versus AT as adjuvant therapy
for patients with nodepositive
disease |

Track 5 |
Potential design of future NSABP
neoadjuvant/adjuvant trial |
Track 6 |
Management of patients with
residual tumor burden
following surgery |
Track 7 |
NSABP-B-35: Anastrozole versus
tamoxifen for DCIS |
Track 8 |
NSABP-B-32 trial of sentinel
lymph node biopsy |
Track 9 |
Development and validation of the
Oncotype DX™ assay |
Track 10 |
NSABP-B-39: Conventional
whole breast irradiation versus
partial breast irradiation |
Track 11 |
Potential benefits of core needle
biopsy versus excisional biopsy |
Track 12 |
Selection of surgical
treatment following
neoadjuvant chemotherapy |
Track 13 |
Use of ferromagnetic particles in
conjunction with MRI to identify
positive lymph nodes |
Track 1 |
Introduction by Dr Love |
Track 2 |
Case discussion: A 44-year-old premenopausal medical oncologist with node-positive,
ER-positive, HER2-positive breast cancer |
Track 3 |
Impact of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment on clinical decision-making |
Track 4 |
Patient preference for aggressive treatments |

Track 5 |
Medical oncologists’ underestimation of the side effects of chemotherapy |

Track 6 |
Importance of interactions between medical oncologists and cancer patients |