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Home: Meeting Highlights: 2000 Interactive Report

Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy

19. 43-year-old woman, ER/PR+, has modified radical mastectomy for a 2.5 centimeter infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Would you recommend chest wall radiation?

2 Positive Nodes
5 Positive Nodes

Patrick Borgen, MD

We would radiate the patient with five nodes, but not the patient with two nodes. I'm very surprised that 44% of the attendees would not radiate the patient with five nodes. Gordon Schwartz had a consensus conference six or eight months before the 2000 Miami meeting, where clearly, everybody at the meeting —and it was really a lot of people —decided on four or more nodes. So, we certainly are radiating at four. The real dilemma is at two or three. In general, we're not radiating those people. Patients with wide margins, T2 cancers, two positive nodes, are receiving aggressive chemotherapy. But that's more on a case-by-case basis. We're talking about the data from the two reported trials showing an advantage in that subset, but I would say the majority of people with two positive nodes are not being radiated.


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Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy
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