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Section 8


67. Cassileth BR et al. Information and participation preferences among cancer patients. Ann Intern Med 1980;92(6):832-6. Abstract

68. Excessive paperwork taking away from cancer patient care, professional mentoring and research — time spent on Medicare paperwork increased four-fold over the last 25 years,ASCO survey finds. ASCO Report 2001.Full-Text

69. Firth-Cozens J. Interventions to improve physicians ’well-being and patient care. Soc Sci Med 2001 Jan;52(2):215-22. Abstract

70.Grassi L,Magnani K. Psychiatric morbidity and burnout in the medical profession: An Italian study of general practitioners and hospital physicians. Psychother Psychosom 2000;69(6):329-34. Abstract

71. Herzberg J. Can doctors self-manage stress? Hosp Med 2000;61(4):272-4. Abstract

72. Kash KM et al. Stress and burnout in oncology. Oncology Huntingt)2000; 14(11):1621-33;discussion 1633-4,1636-7. Abstract

73. Linzer M et al. Managed care,time pressure and physician job satisfaction: Results from the physician worklife study. J Gen Intern Med2000;15(7):441-50. Abstract

74. Miller NM,McGowen RK. The painful truth:Physicians are not invincible. South Med J 2000;93(10):966-73. Abstract

75. Mount BM. Dealing with our losses. J Clin Oncol 1986;4(7):1127-34. Abstract

76. Penson RT et al. Burnout:Caring for the caregivers. Oncologist 2000;5(5):425-434. Abstract

77. Ramirez AJ et al. Burnout and psychiatric disorder among cancer
Br J Cancer 1995;71(6):1263-9. Abstract

78. Whippen DA,Canellos GP. Burnout syndrome in the practice of oncology: Results of a random survey of 1,000 oncologists. J Clin Oncol1991;9:1916-1920. Abstract

79. Vickman L. Toward an understanding of burnout. Med Group Manage J2000;47(1):18-21. Abstract



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